Monday, September 15, 2008

The differences

With the summer going out the door and the fall well on its way, my days of riding are coming to a quick hault. I have had some time to reflect and compare my scooter days with my now motorcycle days. It would be a lie not to say at times I really miss my scooter. The things that were great with my scooter was its ease of use and its storing capabilities. Not that the motorcycle is difficult to drive, it just requires a little more skill in shifting. In heavy traffic it becomes a little cumbersome. 
The thing I probably miss the most is the storage features on my old scooter. You could easily fit a jacket under the seat. It also had a hook to hang a bag of groceries, or whatever else you could hang between your legs. This made it great for shuffling little things around, or running a quick errand. The bike requires me to always carry a pack. Its not terrible but it lessons the free feeling of riding out in the open air.
All in all I wouldn't change my decision to go to a bigger bike. The power and speed heavily out way the pluses of the scooter. I can go places where the scooters can't. I can access the freeway. I can travel out of the city. These all make owning a motorcycle the better choice for me.

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